Resounding success

Sinsheim, 14th October 2011 - Strong performance is rewarded. This phrase applies perfectly to Lukas Rösel. The success line loomed early of this year's graduate of the training profession "Feinwerkmechaniker"with focus on mechanical engineering. From very good marks in the vocational school, over successfully passed training courses of the "Handwerkskammer Mannheim", up to shorten the training time by earlier final exams - Lukas mastered everything without problems.

Apart of good grades, the rewards went on. Along with the prize, he received from the commercial training college in Sinsheim for his excellent academic performance, he took now the 1st place of the competition on the merits of the German Trade on chamber level. Still in October 2011, he competes against the bests in the country level. His technical attainment ist not only attributed to his own skills, also Wolfgang Reiter, the head of the "Feinwerkmechaniker" training at GEBHARDT, plays a big part with its commitment and efforts that the trainees get an to thier training approoriate support and in-service education. This is also a proof that GEBHARDT trusts not only experienced and long-serving employees, but also holds on to the freshness and competence of young people, as Lukas. The endeavor of GEBHARDT to be a successful training company, is hereby confirmed. Meanwhile Lukas completes, in addition to his daily work at GEBHARDT, in evening classes his foreman. "What comes after that I do not know yet. Maybe I want to tackle a dual studies in mechanical engineering at GEBHARDT "said Lukas Rösel to the question what he has planned in his professional future. The company supports him here of course in his plans and wishes him continued success.

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