GEBHARDT Storage and Retrieval Machines

The power packs in your warehouse

GEBHARDT storage and retrieval machines (SRM) handle the automatic storage and retrieval of conveyance goods in automatic miniload warehouses and automatic pallet high-bay warehouses (APW), regardless of whether storage is single, double or multi-deep.

In automatic miniload warehouses, our GEBHARDT Cheetah® neo comes into its own, storing and retrieving containers, cardboard boxes and trays in a very dynamic manner. In an APW, the GEBHARDT Cheetah® heavy is used, safely and reliably moving heavy loads such as pallets, wire crates and other large load carriers.

GEBHARDT storage and retrieval machines are key elements in the efficiency and performance of your warehouse. They deliver high rates of throughput and maximum flexibility – this enables us to secure you important competitive advantages by saving time and cost. Due to the narrow aisles and the track-based vehicles, they can operate to great heights, assuring you of optimum utilisation of space and surface area. Depending on the type of SRM, they can move loads from 50 to 1,500 kg at unit heights of up to 42 m. With different load handling devices (LHD), the SRM is equipped according to your task.

  • High-quality and low-maintenance technology
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Low energy consumption
  • Optimum utilisation of space and surface area in your facility
  • Efficient maintenance with easily accessible drive components
  • Customer-specific LHD solutions are possible

Various Variants – We Find the Right One for You

Automatic Miniload Warehouse

With storage and retrieval machines for automatic miniload warehouses, acceleration rates, speeds and transfer times are immensely important. GEBHARDT sets new standards for you here.

Cheetah® neo

Storage and retrieval machine

Lifting beam store

Storage and retrieval machine

Automatic Pallet Storage (APS)

GEBHARDT pallet storage and retrieval machines are used to store large load carriers in pallet high-bay storage facilities at heights of up to 42 metres.

Cheetah® heavy

Storage and retrieval machine

Curve-going storage and retieval crane

Storage and retrieval machine

Examples of Bespoke Application Options for the GEBHARDT Storage and Retrieval Machines

KW automotive

Realization of a new logistics center

Hans Werner

Planning and realization of a new logistics center as general contractor


Centralization of logistics processes


Highly engineered and automated warehouse logistics solution


Pallet high bay warehouse


Efficient logistics center with conveyor and storage technology

Etra Oy

Comprehensive storage solution concept

Jäger Direkt

Lifting beam bearing


Highly automated warehouse logistics systems

Do You Have Any Questions?

Contact Us!

From the idea to the realisation – we create your customised solution tailored to your personal requirements.

Downloads für weitere Informationen

Whitepaper GEBHARDT Warehouse Automation Solutions


Whitepaper GEBHARDT Storage with Depth


GEBHARDT Storage Technology Brochure
