Order Picking with Suitable Material Flow Technology

Solutions for Optimal Order Picking

Probably one of the most important processes in almost every industrial company - from A as in Automotive to T as in Trade - is compiling different articles for one order. Order picking by article or SKU (Stock Keeping Units) of different line items of an order is only helpful with a high order picking performance and a high order picking accuracy when optimized towards your order processes. GEBHARDT offers you the correct and complete solution for this process: You decide on the mix of our established material flow technology products, supplemented by our intuitive StoreWare® order picking dialogs, that perfectly suits your needs.

Advantages of GEBHARDT Order Picking Solutions

  • Customisation to your picking process
  • High-performance and efficient picking system
  • Benefit from partnerships with the technical universities in Karlsruhe, Munich, Kaiserslautern, and Darmstadt
  • Further development of the technology used through continuous research

As a result, we are here to support you in every phase of the decision-making process, from conceptual design to implementation, to fully meet your requirements for a suitable order picking system.


Picking According to Your Principle

GEBHARDT Implements Shuttle Warehouse and a Partially Automated Order Picking Process at UNI ELEKTRO

GEBHARDT implements an intralogistics solution at UNI ELEKTRO Fachgroßhandel GmbH & Co. KG’s central warehouse in Eschborn. Have a look at the shuttle warehouse solution video, including picking performance, in the reference video.

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From the idea to the realisation – we create your customised solution tailored to your personal requirements.